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Cloud Theory, Part II

Having collaborated with photographer and graphic designer Nancy Cantwell as part of her Times Quotidian project, I've always been struck by how central issues of relationship have been to her work. Like many creative people, Nancy is focused on a single inexpressible quality that lies…
Guy Zimmerman
April 29, 2023

Alphaville, a Love Story

Re-screening early Godard films after his recent passing I am wonderstruck that we live in a world in which it is possible, at any time of day, and on any number of digital devices, to watch his 1965 sci-fi masterpiece Alphaville. Shot in black and…
Guy Zimmerman
December 25, 2022

Cloud Theory by Nancy Cantwell

Nancy Cantwell, formerly the editor of Times Quotidian, an arts and culture blog I worked with for the better part of a decade, sent me some recent work and I instantly wanted to present it on Dharma Noir. In Cloud Theory, Nancy uses manipulated skyscapes to…
Guy Zimmerman
December 7, 2022

Rising Star

I am haunted by a cave in the Transvaal. In 2013, a pair of accomplished spelunkers (such a remarkable word!) exploring the Rising Star cave system in South Africa found their way through a long channel so narrow only those with very slender physiques make…
Guy Zimmerman
October 5, 2022

Why Wait?

I have a longstanding debate going on with an accomplished Zen teacher and author about the ubiquity of trauma. All human infants, I maintain, experience trauma, and samsara is the inevitable result. In the best of cases, with secure loving attachments maintained continuously, the infant…
Guy Zimmerman
September 12, 2022

Why Dharma Noir?

As anyone who has ever tried to name a band or a theatre company or a novel will confirm, naming can be a tricky process. While the phrase dharma noir has a nice ring to it, sounds that appeal to the ear often convey meanings…
Guy Zimmerman
August 26, 2022